
You Are Secretariat: An Addict's Memoir to Bojack Horseman

SPOILERS FOR BOJACK HORSEMAN  Bojack Horseman has been finished for some years now, but its grapple with the topic of addiction and intergenerational trauma is just as poignant as its every season's release. Its dark themes have given me a few years before I could brave it again, as I originally was in a difficult place mentally when I watched it and it helped me spiral further. But having grown some years, I realise this is the unique power of the show Bojack Horseman to help you reflect on your own actions. It is not a show to self-pity, as I originally did. I have a sad string of texts from years ago where I K-holed alone in my bedroom to the Bojack theme song, with some gibberish alongside a single text saying "I'm bojack". Having matured, the gut punches delivered by this show have helped me with self-insights about responsibility, addiction and trauma. First: I must talk about how this show is my favourite show of all time. One thing I admire most about Bojack H...

The Great Meme Recession

 Have you ever seen a meme from 2011 and wondered why they’re so different from the memes we see today? Memes in the past seem to hold more weight to them, more of a period uniqueness to them that lets us fully understand what the most important political, social and leisure content of the time was. I believe memes speak a lot about society – in fact, they are driving forces in our society that depict what topics are of great importance and what is less memorable. However, with the growth of consumerism and what I will later define as ‘skimming culture’, we have entered a pattern where it seems no new memes settle down into the ethernet, and any that do pass just as quickly as they came on. If we define the 2009-2015 Internet meme culture as the Great Meme Renaissance, and 2016-2019 as the Golden Age, where we sit now is the epoch of the Great Meme Recession. In order to understand the Great Meme Recession, let’s take a look at what a meme is and a brief history of the meme. Meme...

The Aestheticization Of Mental Illness Online - An Essay

Mental illness is a difficult topic to bring up; speaking on your experiences with mental illness can be shameful, awkward and downright embarrassing. This is why it’s both interesting and alarming to me to see this new-age uprising of mental illness. On the surface, it looks like there is an increased dialogue surrounding mental illness, which is true and a very valuable conversation for us to be having, but when you scratch deeper there’s a lot more harm that’s being done. The revolution of mental health advocacy has a lot of issues within it that seem to be contributing to the stigma of mental disorders more than it is reducing it through using mental disorders as an aesthetic choice which silences those who don’t actually enjoy living with mental illness.

A Vague Timeline Of My Hospitalisation

A major trigger warning for graphic descriptions of self-harm, aggression, drug misuse, paranoid thoughts and general disturbing themes. DAY 1 I didn’t sleep last night. I have to cancel my DBT because I feel like shit and want to rest. I didn’t manage to get any more sleep over the course of the day - I feel miserable. At least, I was feeling miserable until out of absolutely nowhere I suddenly felt fuelled by energy and a brain that wouldn't slow down. I started to hear my thoughts overlapping and felt every one was original - I had so much to talk about! My family noticed I was speaking more rapidly than normal with more to say, and I was in a really good mood. I facetime my boyfriend from 8pm - 12:30am. He hardly gets a word in. I get angry when he falls asleep because I still had more to say. My jaw hurts from speaking but I still feel like I need to keep speaking - some unknown force is pushing me on. I try to sleep that night. I take 9mg of melatonin, 1000mg valerian r...

Veganism - Miracle Diet?

  A trigger warning for sensitive topics ahead - eating disorders, restrictive diets and calories/weight loss are discussed. Please do not read ahead if the following article may affect your mental wellbeing. In 2020 we all want to do our bit for change. The coming years have seen vegetarianism and veganism surge in popularity, with climate change having us feeling helpless and eager to make a difference. When we think of veganism, most of us think of them as people deeply ingrained with compassion for the Earth and her animals. So deeply ingrained, in fact, it seems like the only rational trade-off is this challenging diet. But what about those who do not fall into this category? What about the vegans following this fad for its “health benefits”? Vegetarianism is a greatly popular diet amongst those with eating disorders - often, in fact, being the first stepping stone to developing one. A study found that vegetarianism in particular was prevalent amongst half of the eating disord...