
Showing posts from February, 2024

You Are Secretariat: An Addict's Memoir to Bojack Horseman

SPOILERS FOR BOJACK HORSEMAN  Bojack Horseman has been finished for some years now, but its grapple with the topic of addiction and intergenerational trauma is just as poignant as its every season's release. Its dark themes have given me a few years before I could brave it again, as I originally was in a difficult place mentally when I watched it and it helped me spiral further. But having grown some years, I realise this is the unique power of the show Bojack Horseman to help you reflect on your own actions. It is not a show to self-pity, as I originally did. I have a sad string of texts from years ago where I K-holed alone in my bedroom to the Bojack theme song, with some gibberish alongside a single text saying "I'm bojack". Having matured, the gut punches delivered by this show have helped me with self-insights about responsibility, addiction and trauma. First: I must talk about how this show is my favourite show of all time. One thing I admire most about Bojack H...