Veganism - Miracle Diet?
A trigger warning for sensitive topics ahead - eating disorders, restrictive diets and calories/weight loss are discussed. Please do not read ahead if the following article may affect your mental wellbeing. In 2020 we all want to do our bit for change. The coming years have seen vegetarianism and veganism surge in popularity, with climate change having us feeling helpless and eager to make a difference. When we think of veganism, most of us think of them as people deeply ingrained with compassion for the Earth and her animals. So deeply ingrained, in fact, it seems like the only rational trade-off is this challenging diet. But what about those who do not fall into this category? What about the vegans following this fad for its “health benefits”? Vegetarianism is a greatly popular diet amongst those with eating disorders - often, in fact, being the first stepping stone to developing one. A study found that vegetarianism in particular was prevalent amongst half of the eating disord...